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The Biggest Men’s Grooming Trends of 2019

  The New Year is all about beards and brows Men’s grooming doesn’t see the same kind of turnover or trend obsession as its female counterpart.  But certain styles and habits tend to catch on and 2019 is no exception. SHORTER BEARD For a few years now, longer, hipster-style beards have been in vogue, but 2019 will be the year of the shorter, more stylized beard.  Instead of letting them grow uncontrollably, men are keeping the length short or medium with crisp, clean lines.  Of course, maintaining an on-trend beard requires proper care.  Moisturizing with our Muse™ or Bold™ Beard Oils will ensure your new beard style stays healthy. PAY ATTENTION TO BROWS Men are typically hands off with their eyebrows, but this year, they’re taking action.  They’re still sticking to fuller, masculine brows, but instead of letting them run wild, guys are getting those extra, stray hairs plucked.  There’s nothing radical happening – men are just overdue for some cleanup and maintenance. CHEST HAIR STAYS  As men have become more conscious of their appearances, they’ve taken more dramatic steps to look good, inclusive of shaving body hair.  2019 will see a small reversal of this trend, with guys opting to keep their chest hair.  However, just like this year’s shorter, stylized beards, it needs to be trimmed and well-maintained so it doesn’t get out of hand. SELF-CARE, NOT PRODUCTS Ultimately, 2019 is less about specific products and more about self-care.  Grooming will factor into a more holistic plan for health and wellness.  Moisturizers and scrubs still have a place in the medicine cabinet, but their effects will be boosted by full nights of sleep, consistent workouts, and reduced stress. In short, 2019’s men’s grooming trends aren’t about reinvention but evolution.  Scale back and do so with style.